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Το σχολείο μας συμμετέχει στο Ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ Δράση
ΚΑ2 «Συνεργασία για καινοτομία και ανταλλαγή καλών πρακτικών στον
τομέα της Σχολικής Εκπαίδευσης» Κωδικός
έργου: 2014-1-PL01-KA201-002785_6 Τίτλος:
“In the Paradise Garden of Europe”
Schools and Countries |
Poland | Elblag | Szkola Podstawowa Nr 23 w Elblagu |
Latvia | Ventspils | Ventspils 2.pamatskola |
Greece | Thessaloniki | 105th Primary School of Thessaloniki |
Austria | Gmunden-Salzburg | Polytechnische Schule Gmunden |
Italy | Rutigliano-Bari | Circolo Didattico Statale "G. Settanni" |
Basque Country - Spain | Etxarri-Aranats, Pamplona | Andra Mari ikastola |
Portugal | Torres-Novas | Associacao Jardim Escola Joao de Deus |
Romania | Bucharest | Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 103 |
Hungary | Budapest | Centenarium Altalanos Iskola |
Logo Competition An artistic competition organized and finished with an exhibition in our school. Nine classes (4th, 5th and 6th Grades) took part in the competition with the guidance of the Art teacher. Parents and teachers were also involved in the project. The 5 best of logos was chosen from the works and were digitally processed. They were presented in Latvia meeting and one of them was actually selected for the logo of the program. See here our collection |
Our schools Each participating school (from all 9 countries) prepared a written document about their school (location, number of teachers and students, curriculum, classes involved in the project etc.) and send it to our team. A relative leaflet was edited, formed and printed containing all the information |
Educational System of Greece Greece's educational system in all levels |
Paradise Nooks All nine classes selected one paradise nook of Greece, and prepared a presentation for it. They collected information from several sources (internet, library, books, photos) and presented the paradise nooks to our school (digitally with power-point, and with a poster)The teachers that participate to the project prepared a leaflet about the three paradise nooks selected for study (Olympus Mt, Aliakmon-Axios-Loudias Wetland, Cholomomtas-Taxiarchis Mt) with basic information |
Project meeting (Latvia) During 1st project meeting in Ventspills-Latvia (17-21 November 2014) we were acquainted with information of the project schools, the various educational systems in participating countries, the variety of paradise nooks and ways of natural protection The project task realization was coordinated, the project budget, its control and time management were discussed. The ways of project dissemination, its promotion via various media were debated. The meeting also served as establishing the dates of next meetings during the first year of the project realization. Furthermore, the participants took part in workshops of interpersonal communication “Nature sooths the customs” and got to know culture and traditions of Latvia. Two teachers from our school participated to the meeting (Ioannis MICHALIS Head teacher and co-ordinator for Greece and Dimosthenis ALEXIADIS-special education teacher for integration class). The results of the meeting in Latvia were presented and discussed with the teachers and parents in our school. A photo poster of our visit to Latvia was edited and printed. |
Level of interest in the project activities A survey about “A level of interest in the project activities” was carried out by our Italian project partner. Three questionnaires-for pupils, parents and teachers-that revealed perceptions about the project were filled in. The results were sent to the polish team in order to have a complete picture |
Hello, how are you? Six classes prepared a short video each one. 4th Grade classes with phrases & words in Greek and in English (e.g. introducing oneself, names, countries etc.). 5th Grade classes with a description of the monuments of Thessaloniki (e.g. our city!). 6th Grade with things that are done in a typical student day. The second 6th Grade with the presentation (and explanation) of a traditional game and the third 6th Grade with the presentation of our school. All classes organised themselves the activity and worked together with ICT teacher in filming and editing the videos |
Colours of the paradise garden Each class has already adopted a paradise nook. During April, June and October they will visit these nooks performing specific activities that include: taking photos of flora & landscapes, collecting plants, studying nature, delimiting routes(using gps) etc. Art teachers will decide the way of expressing colors and feelings as the way of presenting them. Till June all classes have visited the paradise nooks once (all-day educational excursion) while it has been scheduled to return two more times (October 2015 and March 2016). They collected the above mentioned and started to edit them. Still trying to find the better way of presenting them. From September it is planned to put signs in two pathways next to our school. Students of 6th Grade have already measured the distances and prepared the signs |
Stereotypes Each class researched stereotypes about one participating country. The project did not have expected results due to limited data and difficulties that students had to find relevant information about other countries (except Italy & Spain). The task was completed by teachers |
Nature wakes up to life each class has collected information about happenings that foreshadowing spring from all over Greece either in modern times or from ancient times (mythology). 4th Grade prepared a video about swallows coming. 6th Grade prepared a similar video of Kite flying and 5th Grade edited a brochure about Alcyon days and other customs from all over Greece that welcoming spring. 4th Grade classes (80 students) attended a daily program in a forest, nearby school |
Project meeting (Poland) During the 2nd project meeting in Elblag-Poland (20-24 April 2015) the participants were acquainted with the specificity of the Polish school. Experiences in work with students were exchanged. The students and teachers were taking part in lessons conducted by two of the project participants (Ioannis MICHALIS conducted a lesson in Grade 6 of the Polish school about Mathematics in Ancient Greece). The participants got to know the paradise nooks of Elblag and its surroundings. We were acquainted with the ways of protecting nature in Poland as well. In addition to this, the current project tasks realization was coordinated, the project budget, its control and time management were discussed. The ways of project dissemination, its promotion via various media were debated. The meeting also served as a possibility to establishing video conferences, joint multi-media lessons. A meeting with local and educational authorities took place. Furthermore we took part in a socio therapy workshop and got to know culture and traditions of Poland. Three teachers from our school participated to the meeting (Ioannis MICHALIS, head teacher & co-ordinator, Aristeidis PAPADOPOULOS, Grade 4 teacher and Nikos SYRANIDIS, Grade 6 teacher) even though we used the grant for two teachers The results of the meeting in Poland were presented and discussed with the teachers and parents in our school. A photo poster of our visit to Poland was edited |
Think green, teach curiously we prepared several lesson plans that could be used during project or otherwise and include greenness! The best one has been chosen uploaded to the website |
Birds of the Paradise Gardens one of the paradise nooks chosen is a place next to our city that birds from all over Europe spend the winter. 4th Grade will collect all the information needed and present them in various forms. Also the organization responsible for that place suggested specific activities that have to do with birds. The task is still on |
Project meeting (Portugal) Trans-national Project meeting (Torres Novas-Portugal), at the 3rd project meeting (15-18 June 2015) we visited Lisbon and Torres Novas and got to know culture, history, traditions, sights and people from this country. Also we discussed project matters. Two teachers participated to the meeting (Ioannis MICHALIS, head teacher & co-ordinator and Olga GAGRINA, drama teacher). photo poster |
Endangered Landscapes Grade 5 & 6 (6 classes) participated to that activity. They collected information about endangered landscapes near to Thessaloniki and presented them in school. They focused on suburban forest of Sheik-Sou, Lake Coronia and Skouries-Chalkidiki. An A2 poster and a pp presentation prepared for the Italian meeting |
Project meeting (Italy) During the meeting the participants were acquainted with specificity of the project schools, getting to know the paradise nooks of Rutigliano and its surroundings. They were acquainted with endangered landscapes in all the countries involved in the project, suggesting ways to save and protect them for the future generations. In addition to it, they took part in music and art classes inspired to nature and to the workshop of interpersonal communication “Nature sooths the customs”. The meeting also served to discuss about task realization, the project budget, its control and time management and the next meetings during the school year of the project realization. Moreover the way of project dissemination, its promotion by various media were debated. Six teachers from our school participated to the meeting (I. Michalis, head teacher & coordinator, D. Papoukas, 6th Grade teacher, I. Topalidis, 5th Grade teacher, K. Passias, ICT teacher, A. Tzantzidou, 5th Grade teacher and I. Zyrnovali, 2nd Grade teacher. The results of the meeting in Italy were presented and discussed with the teachers and parents in our school. A photo poster of our visit to Poland was edited |
Waiting for Santa Claus Christmas customs and habits from all over Greece collected and presented to all classes. The most famous of them edited in an A2 poster |
14. Wonders
of our Gardens -
Flora & Fauna Information about flora & fauna from our paradise gardens were collected either from direct visits (photo contest) either from other sources. We prepared a lot of posters that already decorate our school. A leaflet about endemic plants of Olympus and Cholomon was also edited. See here flora and fauna |
meeting (Thessaloniki, Greece) D uring Itarlian meeting it was decided that an extra meeting will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece. The meeting tokk place in Thessaloniki between 1-5 of February |
Stories told by Trees Students from Grade 4, 5 & 6 wrote a story told by a tree (in group of three). The best one selected by the teachers and translated to English and edited to a leaflet |
Project meeting (Austria) During the meeting the participants were acquainted with specificity of the school. They exchanged experiences and examples of good practices. Moreover, the innovative methods of teaching foreign languages were discussed nad presented. The participants got to know the paradise nooks of Gmunden and its surroundings. They were acquainted with the ways of natural protection in Austria and flora and fauna of the Alps. The meeting also served discussing current project task realizations, its monitoring and budget realization. The participants deliberated on preparations of a final project evaluation. A meeting with school, local and educational authorities took place as well. A socio-therapy workshop was also held. The participants got to know culture and traditions of Austria. Three teachers from our school participated to the meeting (I. Michalis, head teacher & coordinator, V. Vergopoulos, 1st Grade teacher, E. Karaouli,6th Grade teacher. The results of the meeting in Austria were presented and discussed with the teachers and parents in our school. |
Remember about Gardens Our art teacher with the three classes of 6th Grade collected information about national flowers of the participating countries and prepared a presentation and a poster with them. Then, during art subject they manufactured all these flowers (using natural material) |
Welcome Spring Customs from welcoming spring were collected and presented. An A2 poster was edited with the most famous of them |
The Decalogue of a Young Naturalist Grade 3, 4 & 5 involved in this activity. They prepared posters with 10 things that every young person would do to preserve natural environment for next generations. Then the 10 most important of them edited to a poster that presented in Basque meeting |
Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages Our schools’ English teachers prepared a digital presentation about the teaching of English in 1st and 2nd Grades in Greek primary schools according to new curriculum (PEAP). A link to whole material was given to all participating countries |
Project meeting (Basque Country-Spain) During the meeting the participants were acquainted with specificity of the project schools, got to know the landscape of the Pyrenees, provided classes in the museum of Albaola, visited the nature reserves of Urbasa and Andia. Organised English art classes about Greek artist Konstantin Xenakis; a workshop of the concept of his ideas and English classes for young children. There was a meeting with local and regional authorities, the participants took part in Musikart. A letter was written to EU structures and they got to know the culture of Basque country. Made a final report and evaluation to sum up the project, prepared materials for educational portals, established a project schedule after it was finished, different ways of showing and disseminating the product results were debated and had the opportunity to visit a Eleanitz project lesson which enriched the project. Four teachers from our school participated to the meeting (I. Michalis, head teacher & coordinator, F. Karagianni, 3rd Grade teacher, E. Theofilopoulou, English teacher, A. Tsetoulidou, art teacher. The results of the meeting in Poland were presented and discussed with the teachers and parents in our school. |
Let’s Save the Paradise Gardens - a
letter During Basque meeting, we (the participating countries) conducted a letter where we emphasised on the ways that European organisations must act in order to save our paradise gardens. That letter was sent to European Commission and to European parliament |
Forms of Natural Protection in the Project Countries Teachers of our school collected information about the forms of natural protection in Greece and prepared a leaflet |
In the Paradise Garden of Legends and Stories A traditional story from Olympus area was translated in english and illustrated by 6th Grade students from our integration class. |
Painting and drawing our school Embellishment of our school. Starting at the end of August and before school starts, all teachers worked hard and voluntarily to form a proper school environment especially to embellish inner and outer places of the school. We painted and draw almost all school areas to simulate our European project. The result has had enormous positive impact to students and parents |
Signalling our paths Signalling two ambulatory paths (one walking trails in suburban forest of Thessaloniki- Seih Sou and one in inner city trail nearby school). Two classes of our school together with teachers from pedagogical team worked on that activity (measure distances, know how to use GPS device, prepare signs) in order to help local community organise outdoor activities |
A thousand trees project The idea for that activity came from our visits to paradise nooks. After a long discussion with the project team we decided to try it this year and with a purpose of doing it each year. The activity has three phases. In first phase each students of our school would reproduce (in various ways) a tree that would be planted next November. In second phase, each student would plant a tree (ready from seed bed) anywhere and in third phase would take care (adopt) a young tree in the forest. The activity has succeeded in its first year implementation |
Climbing Mt Olympus A team of five teachers of our school climbed Mt Olympus(our paradise nook), concurring the summit of 2.918 meters and place our project flag there |
Our newspaper "105th Paradise" A copy of our newspaper from Grade 4 |
Erasmus Program in our educational district In a joint meeting, all head teachers of our district schools (12 public and 3 private schools) and the school counsellor, got together and discussed about our project and the Erasmus + program in general. Following that initiative, in September 2015, all teachers from these schools (about 280) got together in a day seminar where we, and another school that participated in an Erasmus program, presented the project and discussed all about Erasmus + programs |
Olympus: on the footsteps of Gods colours & seasons, flora & fauna, crocus in Olympus, orchids in Olympus, endemic plants of Olympus refugees in mt Olympus routes settlements: Platamon castle, Palaios Panteleimon village, Dion, Thessaly settlements, Pieria settlements summits |